
Interested in following our progress on empty homes?

Follow our news page for updates on the property market in Ireland and the work we are
doing to bring vacant and derelict properties back into social and private use.

The details of what we do – LMFM Late Lunch Interview

December 10th, 2019|

Padraic Grennan, founder of stopped in with Gerry Kelly on Late Lunch this week to discuss in detail how works. With over 8,500 empty properties across counties Louth and Meath, we're calling on the public to report vacant houses so that we can [...] launches in bid to tackle homelessness

November 14th, 2019|

The founder of a new vacant homes wesbite today called on the public to register vacant properties so that they can be fast tracked back to use. Padraic Grennan, director of Erin Research, a a probate genealogy firm that specialises in tracing missing beneficiaries [...]

Peter McVerry Trust proposes tax on emtpy homes

October 22nd, 2019|

Housing charity The Peter McVerry Trust put forward a number of proposals to encourage the movement of property to social housing providers and local authorties in its pre-budget submission. One of the measures is a proposed tax on empty homes, similiar to that which operates [...]

Lack of new homes ‘deeply worrying’

October 19th, 2019|

The number of new build homes sold dropped by nearly 10% in August of this year according to a CSO property index report as published by the Irish Examiner today. This lack of new homes in Ireland is “deeply worrying” and is contributing to the [...]

Welcome to

October 17th, 2019|

Welcome to and thank you for dropping by. This website has been up and running for some time, but we are delighted to bring our new design and easier to access contact resources to make it easy as possible to log an empty home. [...]

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