Welcome to emptyhomes.ie, Ireland’s only full-service website dedicated specifically to bringing vacant homes back to into use.
Our aim is to help bring vacant properties back into use as family homes. Emptyhomes.ie is a new national platform for all stakeholders within the housing sector, including empty home owners, concerned citizens, developers, local authorities, approved housing bodies, home seekers, and more. If like us, you believe that the reintroduction of vacant homes into communities across Ireland will help alleviate the housing crisis, we want to hear from you.
If you are aware of a vacant property in your community, please dont hesitate to contact us. Equally if you are the owner of an empty home, we would like to discuss your property with you. Simply click on the “Report an Empty Home” button above and send us as much information as you can. We will follow up on all enquiries in the hope that we can help assist in reutilising vacant housing units as family homes.
Local knowledge is a key factor in identifying vacant homes, so we need your help. Working together, we can make a real difference and provide family homes to those in need.
For more information on our services, please browse through our website and contact us if you feel we can help each other.